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Fastest Growing Jobs in 2014

Now that we have said goodbye to 2013 and have set our sights on a productive 2014, it’s a great time for us to take a look at a few careers that are expected to experience growth. Career Builder and Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. (EMSI) released a study that found a dozen occupations that grew 7 percent or more from 2010 to 2013 and are projected to continue to increase in 2014. The study used data collected by EMSI from more than 90 federal and state sources and state labor departments.

Top Jobs for 2014:

1) Software Developers, Applications and Systems Software

2) Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists

3) Training and Development Specialists

4) Financial Analysts

5) Physical Therapists

6) Web Developers

7) Logisticians

8) Database Administrators

9) Meeting, Convention and Event Planners

10) Interpreters and Translators

11) Petroleum Engineers

12) Information Security Analysts

You can view the complete employment and wage outlook for these jobs here.

McKinley Marketing Partners works with companies everyday to help them identify market research analysts and marketing specialists, so it is no surprise to see those skill sets land at second place on the list.  Since 2010, market research analyst and marketing specialist jobs have increased by 14 percent and they are expected to grow 41 percent between 2010 and 2020.

As a hiring manager, are you planning to hire market research analysts and marketing specialists in 2014?  For job seekers, how are you keeping your skills current and staying on top of industry trends?


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by McKinley Marketing Partners