Back to School, Back to Work?

Career Tips for Those Seeking Part-Time Jobs

Now that summer is well over and the kids are settled back in school, it is the perfect time to look for new employment opportunities. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent who is ready to get back into the workforce or a professional seeking a new role you’re in luck. Nowadays there are many flexible work options available to fit almost any schedule.

Consider working at a company on a part-time basis or look for an arrangement that allows you to work from home.  As this article explains, there are ways to negotiate these options. But, if you’re having difficulty finding a job that fits your schedule, consider using a staffing firm such as ours.

Some agencies cater to adJob Tips for Those Seeking Part-Time Workministrative positions but there are many that specialize in health care, IT, marketing or creative roles. A quick Google search can help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Recruiters at these firms are staffing experts who know the market and are able to uncover hidden opportunities. They will also take the time to get to know you and to understand your needs in order to make the perfect match.

Another option to consider is working for a nonprofit or trade association as we have seen a number of requests for part-time marketers from our clients. You may even find an organization aligned with a cause you care about. The possibilities are almost endless.

On the other hand, if you are just reentering the workforce after staying at home for a few years with your children, or for other reasons, fear not. There are ways to enhance your skills while boosting your confidence. For example, if you formerly worked in marketing consider volunteering at a local school, church or arts center, or for the Taproot Foundation. You will learn current industry trends and brush up on your skills while gaining experience you can put on your resume and LinkedIn profile. You never know, it could even lead to a paid position.

So, whether you want to bring in extra money while the kids are in school or get back into the field, a part-time position could be the answer. While you may have to go into the office most of the time, today’s technology makes working remotely a possibility too. In fact, in our 2016 Marketing Hiring Trends report, 70 percent of respondents reported a willingness to hire remote workers.

There are many organizations out there that need your marketing skills and expertise. The key is finding the right fit. A recruiter at a reputable staffing firm can help you land the perfect position that offers the work-life balance you seek.

by McKinley Marketing Partners