3 Resume Must-Haves for Creatives

As marketing becomes increasingly digital, marketers with design, production, web and mobile development, and copywriting skills become more and more in demand. Creatives have a wealth of opportunity in marketing.

It’s no secret that digital marketers face more challenges than ever. Clean, organized design is essential to reaching stakeholders in the noisy digital space. According to our findings in the 2017 Marketing Hiring Trends Report, 35 percent of marketing hires this year will require creative skills or experience. This is the second most in-demand set of skills, after digital marketing.

These are the creative services skills you need to be a dream candidate.

3 Resume Must-Haves for Creatives

 1. Visual design. Shape, color, proportion, pattern, repetition, and harmony help set tone and convey the right message. Skills in typography, print design, and branding are all needed.

2. Graphic design. Expertise in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign are all important. Designers know how to visually convey the message they want to articulate.

3. Web design. Excellent web design focuses on the end user and their experience. Candidates who pair web design skills with HTML and UX/UI are particularly valuable.

Every organization can benefit from a creative services professional on their team, whether it’s a full-time in-house staff member or a consultant who works remotely on specific projects. At McKinley Marketing Partners we can help digital marketing departments connect with the creatives they need, no matter the project. Learn more about our recruiting services and how we can help with your marketing or creative job search here.

Related Resources

Adobe Max 2016 Conference Takeaways
Five Hot Trends in Graphic Design
3 Skills You Need On Your Digital Marketing Resume Today
Current Job Postings for Creatives
Looking for creative or marketing talent? Let us help!

by McKinley Marketing Partners