The 10 Commandments of Video Interviews

Here at McKinley, we are conducting more and more interviews using video technology like Skype and Google Hangouts. And with any newer technology, comes a new set of rules and etiquette. Here are our top ten commandments that you should abide by to ensure you nail your video call interview.

The 10 Commandments of Video Interviews

 1. Thou shalt treat your video interview like a “real” interview. You may feel more relaxed because you are at home, but use that comfort to fuel a more articulate interview, not a lower energy interview.

2. Thou shalt ensure your location is not visually distracting. It should be well lit. The background should be clear of clutter. No AC/DC posters in the background. Make it look as professional and non-distracting as possible.

3. Thou shalt do your best to minimize noise. A quiet room with a door is best. If we can’t hear your answers, then the interview is not serving its purpose.

4. Thou shalt dress professionally. Even though you may be at home, dress as if you are attending an interview in an office. And we don’t recommend skimping on professional attire on your lower half. You never know when there will be an interruption where you have to stand up. Dress for the interview from head to toe. Those dress shoes will give you that subliminal psychological message that what you are doing is important.

5. Thou shalt test your connection in advance. Make sure your internet connection, video, and audio are all functioning before the interview is scheduled to take place. Conduct all necessary software updates. We recommend doing a test call in advance with a friend or family member.

6. Thou shalt make eye contact (even if it feels awkward). Try to speak directly into the camera rather than looking at your screen. This makes the person on the other end feel like you are making actual eye contact. Try putting the viewing window directly underneath your camera, so you can view the interviewer while also making eye contact.

7. Thou shalt ensure your interview is interruption free. Do what you can to eliminate any distractions. Turn off social media notifications and mail alerts. Put your phone in another room. And let anyone else at home that may be tempted to stop in for a chat or turn on loud music, know that you are busy. Also, while we love pets, they shouldn’t be a part of your video interview.

8. Thou shalt sit up straight and smile. Non-verbals are much less forgiving over video conferencing, so make sure you do your best to show that you are friendly and energetic. Good posture and a positive expression can do wonders.

9. Thou shalt take advantage of the fact that you are doing a video interview. Feel free to jot down a few notes with questions you’d like to ask. Have a copy of your resume in front of you. Put together a cheat sheet of things that you want to discuss in the interview.

10. Thou shalt treat it as your most important in-person interview. We’ll be frank: it’s more difficult to nail a video interview than an in-person interview, so do your best to have all your ducks in a row. Be prepared and be connected.

Bottom line: do whatever you can to put your best foot forward in your video interview. While it may not be as cut and dry as it would be in an interview on site, the most important thing is to do a good job of showcasing the amazing product that you are selling: you!

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by McKinley Marketing Partners