3 Skills Communications Professionals Need to Have On Their Resume

Without powerful writing, any marketing strategy is doomed. Even today as digital messaging becomes increasing visual, there’s nothing that can pack a punch quite like a well-crafted sentence. It’s the foundation that successful marketing campaigns are built on.

Marcomm professionals are often the ones who are tapped to craft this critical messaging. Every marketing department needs expert communicators who can tailor messages to different audiences and write in both digital and traditional formats. And hiring marcomm professionals is on the rise. In fact, one in four marketing hires in 2017 require marcomm skills or experience.

If you are a marcomm professional or want to move into a marcomm role, make sure your resume highlights your relevant experience and the most sought-after skills. These are the top three skills communications professionals should cultivate to get the attention of those who are hiring communications professionals.

 1. Copywriting. Does your writing persuade and provoke action? Strong direct response copywriting is invaluable. Are website visitors downloading your eBook, for example, or signing up for your email newsletter? Each touchpoint brings prospects one step closer to becoming a customer.

2. External communications. In both the B2B and B2C spaces, messages need to be disseminated to external stakeholders in a timely manner. These communicators get important messages out, including crisis communications, and know how to respond to negative publicity.

 3. Corporate communication. Employees should always know what’s going on and hear it from someone on the inside to boost morale and help them feel like part of the organization. Satisfied employees are great ambassadors and can act as word-of-mouth marketers.

Communications professionals serve a unique purpose as they write marketing, PR, and internal content. By continuing to hone your skills in all three areas, you will become an increasingly valuable player both at your current company and in future opportunities.

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by McKinley Marketing Partners