Crafting The Ultimate Job Description

After 20+ years in the marketing staffing space, we’ve learned a thing or two about finding the right candidate and finding him or her quickly.

Hiring a new team member can be an exciting time to envision a new and better future for your company. But the truth is, we often get super busy when we’re short-staffed and we have trouble getting all of our ducks in a row to ensure an efficient hiring process gets executed.

Finding the right people is tough. Only 24 percent of marketers report actively searching for new opportunities, making it that much more important to approach filling your open marketing roles in a thoughtful, methodical way.

That’s why we’ve created a brand new tool to help you get a strong jumping off point for your search, Crafting The Ultimate Job Description.

Inside this guide, you will flesh out virtually every aspect of what your ideal candidate looks like, from the software skills that are relevant to the job to personality and culture preferences. You will walk through a comprehensive list of all of the relevant information for your next hire and assemble it into a successful and compelling job description that you can post immediately.

Download our latest hiring guide: Crafting the Ultimate Job Description today.

by McKinley Marketing Partners