6 Ways Your Company Should Maximize the Opportunity of Glassdoor

Does the very concept of Glassdoor.com make you clench your teeth? If so, you’re not alone.
Glassdoor is a website that can be very useful. If you’re unfamiliar with it, it is best known for its employer review pages. The review styles are very similar to Yelp. The site also includes job postings, salary information, and hiring support. It can be a great resource to get an idea of company culture.
On the other hand, Glassdoor reviews often do not tell the whole story. On some company pages, you will simply find dismal reviews published by disgruntled former employees.
Just as in every other aspect of business, your company’s approach to Glassdoor should be strategic. While it can feel like you have no control over what happens to your company’s Glassdoor page, there actually are some things you can do to use Glassdoor strategically and benefit from it.
6 Ways to Maximize Your Company Glassdoor Opportunities
- Start by looking up your company Glassdoor page. To see your score, click on “companies.” Then type in the name of your company. Not only can you take a look at your own company but you can review competitors as well. For any company, you can have access to ratings and reviews, information on salaries, interview information, and jobs companies have listed on their site.
- Create a free employer account. This will give you administrative access to respond to any reviews on behalf of the company. You can also update any other basic information on your Glassdoor page. We recommend you give a member of the executive team access to the page. If it’s the CEO, that’s even better.
- Set goals. Whether you have negative reviews you need to deal with or simply not enough reviews to reflect the credibility of your company, take the time to flesh out a strategy to improve the impression of those who visit your Glassdoor page. Set a specific goal to improve your Glassdoor rating. The average company rating is 3.3 while Glassdoor’s “Best Places to Work” award winners have scores between 4.0 and 4.7.
- Flesh out a strategy and identify key players. Determine who will monitor your company Glassdoor page, which member of the executive team will respond to reviews, and what kind of cadence you will aim to achieve.
- Send review requests to current employees. As part of your strategy, request that current employees take the time to share their honest feedback on Glassdoor. Be mindful to do this strategically so reviews are published little by little throughout the year, rather than all at once.
- Use the intel to your benefit. Even negative reviews can give you information that can help you improve the employee experience at your company. Both positive and negative reviews can give you insights that you would not otherwise receive. Use this information wisely. And implement lasting change that improves retention and increases employee morale.
Glassdoor may be a thorn in your side, but the truth is it holds a lot of potential for your organization. By prioritizing Glassdoor, you can not only improve the culture at your organization, you can also show the world that your company is a fantastic workplace.