The Solution to This Year’s Biggest Hiring Problem

Hiring managers are facing many challenges when it comes to recruiting and hiring in 2019. In the 2019 Marketing Hiring Trends Report, we surveyed hundreds of marketers to discover what their biggest concerns were about hiring. 44 percent of hiring managers find that there are too few quality candidates available. 37 percent are observing that unqualified candidates are applying. 34 percent have problems attracting talent. And 33 percent have trouble making competitive job offers.
Most Common Hiring and Recruiting Challenges
This chart shows the top hiring and recruiting concerns of hiring managers.

The challenge to find qualified candidates is a result of low unemployment. According to Eric Morath and Lauren Weber, reporters for The Wall Street Journal, the U.S. economy has added jobs for 100 consecutive months and this trend will likely last a while: “Economic theory holds that when unemployment is very low, it stirs inflation, which causes the Federal Reserve to raise short-term interest rates and short-circuit growth and hiring.” The balance of the job market likely won’t swing back into the hiring manager’s favor any time soon.
In marketing, candidates understand companies have an urgent need to hire. They see that urgency as an opportunity to apply for positions for which they may not be qualified. One way to remedy these challenges is through the use of an agency. Overall, 79 percent of organizations surveyed in our 2019 Marketing Hiring Trends Report use an agency for recruiting, hiring, and contracting.
Those who use an agency for recruiting, hiring, or contracting are more likely to have faced the challenges of:
• Difficulties attracting talent
• Too many applicants and not enough time
• Candidates dropping out of the process while the hiring managers were still interested in them
At McKinley Marketing Partners we have boots on the ground experience hearing our clients share the challenges they face and what agencies can do about those challenges. The top reasons hiring managers state that they use agencies are to:
• Save time
• Bring new ideas
• Reduce internal effort
• Bring good candidates to them
• Offer an unbiased approach to recruiting
While recruitment agencies may not solve all of an organization’s hiring challenges, they can help make it easier and reduce some of the pain points.