Success Story

Publication Marketing

A newspaper for members of the U.S. military stationed overseas had identified a number of cost-saving product changes.

They needed assistance with the implementation and the communication of the resulting new products to its readers.  The publication wanted to consolidate the content from three weekday sections of the newspaper into a single Sunday section.

A new name and brand was needed in addition to a price increase for the Sunday edition of the newspaper.

The publication also wanted to launch a free, electronic edition of the newspaper that would be available to online readers across the globe.  This electronic edition would provide significant cost-savings to the newspaper


McKinley Marketing Partners provided an Interim Marketing ManagerSM (IMMSM) who immediately produced branding options for the new Sunday section and developed creative concepts/messaging for the electronic edition.   Specific tasks the IMM undertook included:

  • Created an effective design and information architecture for the electronic edition’s website
  • Oversaw letters from the publisher communicating the product changes and media schedules for each product launch
  • Scheduled the required tasks and launch dates against concurrent timelines and gained the necessary approvals along the way

In the end, the IMM successfully launched both products within the guidelines specified by the client.



by McKinley Marketing Partners