Success Story

Communications Support

A financial services company contacted McKinley Marketing Partners when they needed help consolidating fragmented information that was spread across two different websites.

The client requested a communications resource to create and launch a knowledge database of frequently-asked questions relevant to the company’s single-family mortgage business on a wide range of topics. The database would first be internally launched to employees/contractors, followed by an external, web-based launch to customers.

After the IMM began working on the project, the client realized how valuable her work was and expanded her project scope to supplement efforts in writing/publishing marketing communications for the company’s making homes affordable program.  She was also asked to recommend suggestions for improving the company’s current website in terms of accessibility, appearance, and awareness of the website content.


The IMM performed the following communications tasks:

  • Managed the development/launch of a first-ever Web-based knowledge database tool with answers to over 600 frequently-asked questions for customer and employee use
  • Created all supporting documents including the communications plan, announcements, a quick-reference guide, a detailed training guide for authors and publishers, and a post-launch user survey
  • Performed an analysis of survey results and ongoing user ratings and usage reports for continual optimization of the tool
  • Analyzed website survey results, search term reports, website usage, and call center reporting to determine customer needs and implement website improvements/promotional messaging
  • Wrote and edited content for publication on the company’s home page, including support documents and articles for the customer online newsletter
  • Developed/implemented strategies to increase awareness and usage of customer education opportunities and supporting resources; this helped to reduce support center call volume and increase accuracy and performance
  • Wrote communications announcements to inform employees and customers of new or existing resources and changes to technology, products, policies, and processes
  • Created collateral for a national annual industry conference at which the company President/CEO and other leaders were speakers
by McKinley Marketing Partners