Success Story

Marketing Support

A large hospitality company had initiated a number of projects across the marketing and central reservation service (CRS) departments to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of its entire marketing organization.

The client needed McKinley Marketing Partners to provide an Interim Marketing ManagerSM (IMMSM) to help manage this initiative.  The IMM would be required to identify the capabilities and skill sets needed in the marketing and CRS organizations, determine their relative importance, evaluate the current skill sets of the employees against these capabilities, and recommend training and development programs to support them


Throughout the duration of the project, the IMM:

  • Solicited input from cross-functional groups to create a list of current and future marketing capabilities that were necessary to the organization
  • Wrote and fielded an employee survey that garnered an 80 percent response rate, analyzed results, and presented recommendations/solutions to various departments
  • Held focus groups with employees to discuss and evaluate the solutions
  • Analyzed customer data to determine customer attributes related to various lodging patterns
  • Developed a roadmap that provided direction for developing the new capabilities needed to meet their goal of consistently delivering world-class marketing, e-Commerce, and positive reservation results

Ultimately, the IMM was able to give the client a better understanding of the department’s strengths and weaknesses, including areas where they needed to recruit and/or develop new talent.


by McKinley Marketing Partners