Success Story

Online Promotion Support

The interactive media department of a large media company began to focus on exploring and building a social networking presence to better raise awareness of the company.

The client wanted to drive site traffic to its home page and its subsequent websites.

The client requested a marketing consultant who had expertise in the areas of social networking, blogging, website research, outreach, and search engine optimization tactics.

McKinley Marketing Partners supplied an Interim Marketing ManagerSM (IMMSM) with both marketing and copywriting skills who understood network initiatives and brand guidelines and goals, while creating online content.


The scope of the project grew to include copywriting that provided a variety of online content for the client’s website including blogs, interviews, features, quizzes and more.

The IMM created and maintained a blog to provide insight and highlights as well as engage viewers in online discussions during the premiere of the network’s reality competition series.  Through the IMM’s efforts, the initiative not only resulted in healthy response rates but also the creation of several new blogs for the website.

Beyond her work with the client’s blog, the IMM also wrote additional content that was successfully syndicated in a partnership with MSNBC and resulted in significant traffic spikes for the client’s homepage.

by McKinley Marketing Partners