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Biggest Marketing Challenge: Automation Tools – Advice from a McKinley Marketer


What is the best automation tool for my company?


“First things first, the marketing department needs to educate the appropriate teams about the functionality and benefits of automation tools.  This will be an essential part of gaining management buy-in to purchase a product.

Automation tools can help you optimize multiple functions among cross-functional teams.  Think: a one-stop-shop for lead generation, email marketing, drip campaigns, invoicing, website optimization and CRM.   There are a multitude of options, including Marketo, Eloqua, Pardot, and HubSpot – each offering a different level of customer support and technical functionality.

You need to assess your organization’s present and future needs to find a solution for the long-term.  This can be a bit overwhelming, but luckily there are a lot of blogs and online resources summarizing the pros and cons of each automation tool.

When you find the right tool for your organization – the fun starts! You’ll improve efficiency of marketing programs and drive revenue almost immediately.  Don’t forget to document all processes and procedures!”

by McKinley Marketing Partners