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McKinley’s mobile site is live!

Unlike our office at the corner of Franklin and Pommander Walk, our website is open 24/7/365 and as we become more dependent on our smartphones, we think it is important that you are able to connect with us online in a mobile friendly format.

After careful analysis of our website activity, we decided to develop a mobile friendly website.  This will allow you to review our most recent client successes, browse open job positions, and most importantly, submit requests for marketing consultants – wherever and whenever you want!

Grab your smartphone or tablet and start browsing our website today!

Lastly, watch this video to see how you can make the website even more accessible by adding it the home screen of your mobile device(s).

iPad video demo

What do you think of our mobile site?!


[show_avatar email=mboggs@mckinleyinc.com align=left]


by McKinley Marketing Partners