How to Prepare for a Skype Interview

At McKinley, we conduct a number of Skype interviews for candidates in the New York/New Jersey, and Dallas, TX metro areas when a team member is unavailable to meet candidates face to face.  When we interview candidates over Skype, it is often the first time a candidate has been interviewed via video chat.  To help you through to a successful Skype interview, we have gathered a list of advice to help candidates prepare.

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1.    Be resourceful if asked to do a Skype or video interview.

If you do not have a laptop, borrow from a family member or friend, or perhaps utilize library resources.  If you do not have a camera, consider buying one, the purchase price is inexpensive.  Candidates have asked us if they can use their cell phone for the interview and that is not a suitable device.

2.    Test the connection/microphone before your interview time.

You want to make sure you have the best picture/sound quality during the interview.  You wouldn’t want to have to explain to your interviewer that you are using an older computer and your equipment has poor quality.

3.    Be sure to have your resume in front of you. 

You should be prepared for the Skype interview just as you should be prepared for an in-person interview.  Be punctual and prepared to recite your resume with the person interviewing you if necessary.

4.    Make eye contact like you are speaking to the interviewer one on one. 

Many people aren’t familiar with using a webcam and will look directly into the camera or at happenings in or around them.  Be sure to look at the monitor, not your cell phone, and pretend the camera is not even there.  If you have two computer monitors, speak from one of them.  Don’t create a situation where you have to look at another monitor to see your interviewer and they are looking at the side of your face and not directly at you.

5.    Choose your room wisely. 

Make sure you provide a professional appearance in terms of what your computer camera will capture during the interview.  Log onto Skype prior to your interview and look at how you appear on the screen.  Is there a bedroom behind you?  What is hanging on the wall?  Also, ask family members (and barking dogs) to stay out of the room during the interview.

6.    Dress appropriately. 

Sometimes people think they can get away with wearing gym shorts with a shirt and tie during a Skype interview, but that won’t work out if you have to get up from the desk for some reason. Play it safe – and wear a complete outfit.

7.    Create a professional Skype ID name. 

It is probably safe to say that creating an ID name related to your college or high school nickname, or the name of your pet(s) is not professional.  Keep it simple and make it something recognizable.

Did you find this advice helpful in preparing for a Skype or video interview?


by McKinley Marketing Partners