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McKinley Celebrates 20 Years!


In honor of McKinley’s 20th anniversary, I’m excited to unveil our 20th anniversary logo!

When I co-founded McKinley Marketing Partners, I knew that I was filling a critical market need: high-quality marketing talent is always in high demand. Now, two decades later, marketing has certainly changed—social media, digital marketing, and content marketing have all dramatically altered our landscape—but McKinley Marketing Partners’ passion for helping our clients find the talent they need to grow their businesses remains the same.

To celebrate 20 years of shared success with our clients and candidates, McKinley will be publishing an e-book full of our marketing and recruiting best practices—a taste of our secret sauce. Here’s a sneak peak:

Lesson #1: A person is not a resume.

I often hear the following from McKinley’s new clients: “I don’t know why I can’t find a good candidate for this job opening! I’ve been sorting through hundreds of resumes, but I just can’t find the right person.”

This statement reveals a fundamental problem of the traditional hiring process: resumes are not people. Resumes can tell us a great deal about a candidate, but to truly know if someone will be a good fit for your organization, you have to go beyond the resume. You have to understand their story.

When I co-founded McKinley twenty years ago, I knew that recruiting needed to become more personalized. While we were still a few years away from the rapid-fire pace of online job applications, I saw the speed of business accelerating and the art of recruitment being lost in the process. So I developed a candidate vetting process that we still use today: each McKinley candidate meets with at least three people within our organization, and we make sure that each candidate is interviewed by people from several different business units. This process allows us to fully understand the strengths of each candidate: what motivates them, what has propelled their careers, and, most importantly, how and why the candidate’s behaviors and decisions fueled—or slowed—his or her accomplishments.

Twenty years later, our unique recruiting process—and the underlying principle that a resume is not a person—is what helps us find the best marketing talent for our clients, again and again.

by McKinley Marketing Partners