Digital Experience on the Rise in Product Marketing in 2018

For those hiring marketers in 2018, digital experience continues to be highly valued. As part of our annual marketing hiring trends report, we surveyed hiring managers to find out how important a digital background is in candidates across various marketing functions at their organization. The chart below represents the respondents who indicated that digital experience is strongly desired within the specified function at their organization:

The area where digital experience is becoming increasingly valuable is within product marketing roles. This suggests changes are occurring within product marketing that make digital experience increasingly valuable. Product marketers are one of the few job functions that touch all aspects of the marketing ecosystem as they focus on bringing a product to market. They do not necessarily need to be tactical experts in areas of digital marketing, but they are expected to know how to use the tools and how they fit into the overall strategy. Product marketers need to know the consumer and how to reach and engage with them.

Before a product launch, a product marketer might focus on messaging, positioning, customer development, and the overall marketing strategy for the product. After a launch, a product marketer may help create sales enablement tools and do whatever they can to ensure the overall success of the product. Because of their involvement before, during, and after product launch, they need to understand both strategy and tactics.

Product marketers are responsible for positioning, messaging, consumer engagement, driving demand for the product, product adoption, and the overall success of the product. It is critical that they are well-versed in digital strategy so they can reach the right audience with the right message.

In every other functional area of marketing, the value of digital experience remains on par with last year’s findings, except for research and analysis which fell significantly. Be on the lookout for us to unpack the implications of this downturn in a future article.

For more insights like these, be sure to download the 2018 Marketing Hiring Trends Report when it is released in the spring of 2018.

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by McKinley Marketing Partners