8 Tips to Land a New Position Remotely

According to a new poll by Monster even though the pandemic has left many people feeling uncertain about public health and the economy, both unemployed and employed people are still looking for new work opportunities. 

If you are among them, you may feel stumped about how to find new opportunities without traditional avenues like attending networking events or interviewing in person on site. But just because your dream company may be working remotely until at least next summer, it doesn’t mean your career has to stall. 

Try these tips if you are looking for a new position while companies are still fully remote.

How to Land a New Position Remotely 

  1. Maximize time if you’ve got it. If you are unemployed or underemployed, this is a fantastic time to invest in professional development. Read books in your industry. Take free online webinars and courses. Update your website. And create content to share on LinkedIn.
  2. Connect with recruiters and agencies who may have established relationships with hiring managers, instead of submitting applications and resumes through websites. It’s tempting to feel productive by throwing a resume at every online job posting but it’s much more effective to connect with opportunity through people. A great place to start is by connecting with staffing agencies and recruiters who have spent years cultivating relationships with organizations. 
  3. Do your homework on LinkedIn. If you are looking for a new position, you really can’t spend too much time on LinkedIn. If there is a position you are eyeing at a specific company, explore the company’s LinkedIn page. Look for connections who may work there. If you have a strong tie in common, ask for an introduction or recommendation.
  4. Double down on personal brand. Are your bios, summaries, and descriptions on social media up-to-date and accurate? Are you contributing to conversations in your industry online? Consider ways that you can demonstrate your subject matter expertise and remind your network that you are the go-to person if they need someone in your field.
  5. Take part in virtual happy hours, networking meetups, and conferences. Technology makes it possible for you to not only avoid complete isolation, but also connect with people far and wide, who you wouldn’t bump into in person. Also look for virtual happy hours and networking events to connect with others.
  6. Brush up on your phone and video interview skills. There are simple things you can do to make a lasting impression in a Zoom interview. Practice by getting online and doing a mock interview with a friend or family member. Make sure your background is not disheveled or distracting. Smile. Dress for the interview as if you were meeting in person. Here are 10 more commandments for video interviews.
  7. Reach out to people in your network. Let them know you’re open to new opportunities and what kind of work you’re looking for. Reconnect with old colleagues and people on the edge of your network and ask them for a catch-up call.

The bottom line is if you want to create a new reality, you have to do something differently than what you’ve done in the past. Perhaps you should start by setting aside 20 minutes a day to work on one of the above eight suggestions. Slowly but surely, little by little, you can find new opportunities whether or not your target company is doing business in person.

by McKinley Marketing Partners