Success Story

Marketing Communications Support

An international oil and gas company called McKinley when they needed additional marketing communications support to supplement their marketing efforts in its Lubricants and Specialties division while they were changing their worldwide supply delivery system.

The initiative would make its delivery chain more reliable and, ultimately easier for clients, but it would be a major shift in the way they had traditionally conducted business.  The company would be cutting more than 500 delivery ports globally and their clients would be required to provide more lead time for orders.

They needed an marketing consultant to communicate and launch this global supply reliability program to customers, distributors, and employees.  The client also needed someone with expertise developing internal and external marketing materials and managing outside vendors.


The consultant was able to successfully launch the global supply reliability initiative.  She managed the development and distribution of more than 2,000 customer and employee information kits, including more than 10 unique collateral pieces.  She prepared all collateral resources and presentations for an internal employee conference in Barcelona, which received excellent survey rankings for its marketing materials.

The marketing consultant managed the project to keep the initiatives rolling while the client concentrated on the bigger picture dealing with emerging issues.

Complicated global mailings and production of new collateral pieces were projects that never seemed to get completed, but having an interim marketer onboard allowed the client to successfully launch these much needed efforts.  The consultant brought expertise to the group allowing the client to be successful in all aspects of their position.

by McKinley Marketing Partners