Success Story

Partner Toolkit Manager

A non-profit membership organization and long-standing client of McKinley Marketing Partners recognized a disconnect between staff and their partners during the pre-contracting stage of the partnership agreement.  The organization wanted to develop a toolkit that could provide a holistic view of the partner on-boarding process as well as how partners and staff should work together to interact with members once the contract is signed. And they needed a partner toolkit manager to implement the project.

The client contacted McKinley for a strong writer with the strategic ability to develop a toolkit that contained the appropriate assets for partners.  McKinley found a partner toolkit manager with corporate communications, marketing communications and marketing program management experience.


The consultant began the project with the understanding that the partner toolkit would need to be applicable to every new partner as a quick reference guide with a ‘casual’ feel.  Since the toolkit would be used by marketers within the partner organizations, it would have a narrative tone of ‘marketers talking with marketers.’

The consultant worked with senior management to create programs and collateral materials for on-boarding partners, as well as go-tomarket strategies for the business development teams.  He then met with and interviewed 40 staff members from various departments to gain input and buy-in for the new programs and materials for the toolkit.

At the end of the project, the partner toolkit manager produced a toolkit that provided partners with information regarding process, expectations and timelines to mitigate on-boarding delays.  With the consultant’s help, the toolkit was produced within 90 days.  The client’s staff was excited about its publication and subsequent use.

“McKinley quickly delivered a marketing manager with the skills and abilities that went well beyond the project needs.  He was terrific at working with people on my team and within the organization.  He took the initiative and I only needed to check in with him periodically throughout the project.”

– A Business Management Director at a Non-Profit Membership Organization